How to Protect Your Roof from Weather Damage

The roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It performs a very important role in protecting you and your family in all kinds of weather. In the same way, different kinds of weather can damage it and keep it from performing its job. The cost of having to pay to repair whatever damage may occur as a result is not something you would want to see. To prevent an accident or spending a lot more money than necessary in the future, here are a few tips on how to protect your roof from weather damage both in various weather conditions and in general.


Inspect Roof

The best way to protect your roof may be to prevent problems in the first place. By preparing before the extreme weather conditions begin to make an appearance, you will save yourself a lot of trouble down the road. Run an inspection on the roof and have an expert evaluate your roof for signs of trouble or defects. Once you catch the issues, you can solve the issues before they worsen or before the approaching weather conditions.


Adding Interior Insulation

One of the extreme conditions homeowners face is the cold and ice. Keeping the heat in is not only important in maintaining warm but also in preventing ice dams from forming. The heat that escapes from your house melts the ice but at the same time allows refreezing in other parts of your house.


Trim those Trees

The tall and majestic trees that decorate your front yard might not be very beneficial for your roof. The limbs and branches hang over your roof create a hazard for your roof. During weather conditions such as wind, water, and storms, these limbs and branches are at risk of falling and damaging the roof. Not only can the branches themselves cause damage but also the weight added to the roof can possibly cause to collapse. It is better to keep them trimmed and away from your roof.


Keep it Clear

In an effort to ensure that your roof is protected, it is important to act before and after the extreme weather conditions occur. In preparation for the conditions, you should check that the gutters on our roof are clear. Exposed gutters can mean overflowed and clogged up gutters that prevent water drainage, resulting in issues after storm or event. In the event of snow falling in your area, it is also imperative that the snow is cleared from your roof and correctly. Maintaining these two areas clear will save you quite a bit of trouble.


Proper Ventilation

Another extreme weather condition homeowners are confronted with is hot weather. This condition too can cause damage to your roof. To prevent damage, proper ventilation can make a major difference. It can remove the excess heat and moisture from deteriorating the roof and causing the paint to peel. Proper ventilation can also help in the colder weather by protecting the wood in your home from rotting, a benefit in general for you.


These tips do not cover all that you can do to prevent damage. How much you decide to do to protect your roof from weather damage is up to you. It is in your hands to extend your roof’s life expectancy longer and save yourself pains later on down the road. If you have any other concerns or questions, make sure you contact Virginia Roofing to for help protecting that roof over your head.